Saturday, November 01, 2008

MommaBean's Best Of: That's SO not what they meant...

Following on the theme of yesterday, I'm highlighting the unique, striking, and funny things I've snapped photos of since moving to Jordan. Today, I'll be including pictures of signs and such that just plain went awry.

For my first offering (and back by popular demand, might I add), is Libby's Ass Juice. You know, enough said on this one...

For my next offering, also in the signage arena, just how would one restore fish and chicken and why would they do it on a wood pile?

Now this is a sign that I'm actually hoping they didn't men what they said. I'm hoping they are grateful for donations rather than being nice when accepting them (although perhaps some of both is called for?).

The next entry for your consideration is living proof of what NOT to do when printing instructions on something as necessary as a fire extinguisher. After all, combine this grammar and spelling and the extreme pressure of a fire and, well, can we say toast?

This one falls into the trying-to-be-cute-but-failing category. After my blog post, one of my readers stopped in to ask the question I posed in my blog (if they're open 25 hours, which 25 hours exactly are they?). The answer was that the owners were trying to say they go beyond 24 hours a day all the way to 25 hours?!

Now, I know the employment in market in Jordan is rough (not always getting paid, abusive bosses), but really, they need REFEREES? Do the striped shirts and whistles come as part of the package? Just what sort of organizations do they think you've worked for in the past (ones like theirs I'd guess)?

Here we have homemade signage that is nearly incomprehensible... I first assumed these were the times the shop was opened (silly me). I discovered that in fact (thanks Salam) these are dates of a sale. I SO never would have gone there...

Okay, and the last offering today is an ad that I definitely hope they got their money back for. Either this is a clever test to determine which students will make it in your program (those with a mirror or the ability to do extreme mental translation) or someone really goofed.

These are some of my favorite "we had a target, but we missed it by a mile" moments. I hope you've enjoyed them. Join me tomorrow for my "Only In Jordan" pictures!

Happy misinformation!


At 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooh! I cannot wait for your post tomorrow! Thanks for doing this post and the previous one. It was my laugh for the day! LOL!

At 2:03 AM , Blogger Ali Dahmash said...

Nothing beats the Libbys ass juice one!

At 6:16 AM , Blogger UmmFarouq said...

I always take along a few whistle-blowing, striped-shirted refs when applying for a job. I mean, you never know when you might need to scrimmage in a job interview. Or maybe I've just been out of the workforce too long.


At 8:36 AM , Blogger MommaBean said...

Ali, that's truly my favorite sign since I moved to Jordan. And, the only one I've taken where the employees were looking at me funny for taking it. kind of the way I look at foreign tourists taking photos in Wal-Mart in the US... Haha.

Umm Farouq, I think that's wise. After all, if your oe personal refs aren't there to call the game, it may go all their way, no?

At 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think referees is a British term, if I'm not mistaken. I found it amusing too when they said that.

At 7:56 AM , Blogger MommaBean said...

Anon, I'll take your word for it. As I explained to ButterBean's teacher, I'm not bilingual. I only speak American English (I mean really, pip instead of seed? rubbish bin insead of trash can... Please... Teehee).

At 11:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referees is Brit speak for references.

But what in the heck were the ass juice people trying to say?

At 12:56 PM , Blogger MommaBean said...

Anon, sadly, I even understood what they were trying to do with the Ass Juice. IN the US, we've overcome this problem, we simply add a T and it magically become Asst (assorted) juice.

At 11:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, maybe there's a new flavor we just haven't yet heard about. You try it first and let me know how it tastes, OK? :-)

At 12:40 AM , Blogger MommaBean said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Anon, but I gave the ass juice a pass. After all, it COULD mean that couldn't it?


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