Wednesday, December 31, 2008

To Gaza With Love: Modern Day Miracles

The heart that the people of Jordan have for those in Gaza is immeasurable, uncountable, and a reason for joy. On a shoestring and a call to quick action, 7iber and the Action Committee decided to have a 48 hour campaign to receive donations of blankets, coats, and food. They expected (and I expected) a couple of trucks filled by the many people who read Nas' blog (and maybe even one or two of my 5 readers, teehee). I talked yesterday about the joy I felt on seeing the turnout, but let me have them tell you as they do it better...

"We envisioned a turnout that we could handle. A few truck loads delivered to a friend who lives nearby. What arrived was roughly 25-30 tons of food and clothing. We filled an entire wing of Aramex’s warehouse. Without the logistical support of Aramex – from the CEO all the way down to the truck drivers who refused to go home until everything was loaded – none of this would have been possible."

25-30 tons! Now, I know that the blogosphere has had some less than stunning things to say about Aramex in the past (typically relating to customer service and cost of services), but I will now say that I forgive every bad service I have ever received. Every less than fabulous driver and each issue with service I might have had in the past is wiped clean. They have shown that they have a heart, if only more businesses would do that. Imagine truck drivers who got rerouted yesterday when they showed up to work to do something that wasn't even bringing in revenue. And when the promised end time came and they still had people coming, they stayed. They refused to go home. Honestly, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I guess next time we all know to expect God, in His mercy, to do great things. Yesterday he took the 5 loaves and the 2 fishes we expected and he multiplied them to feed thousands. As we sit here in our warmth, our safety, with our satisfied bellies, we should give thanks for our blessings and pray for those in Gaza that they may experience the same blessings soon.

My prayer for today is this:

God, in your mercy, take these offerings we have given, meagre as they are, and multiply them. Far more than the physical comfort these small blessings will mean, let them hearten those in Gaza. Let them know that someone outside is thinking about them, praying for them, loving them. Help both sides of this tragedy put aside their egos, their posturing, their anger (righteous though it may be). Let them think of the children, the elderly, those who can not speak for themselves Lord. Soften the hearts of the Israelis to stop this irresponsible, reprehensible situation. And Bless each person in Gaza, each one in Jordan, and all those living in suffering. Keep Your hand upon them and protect them Lord. In Jesus' I ask all these things, Lord. Amen.

Happy Miracles!


At 3:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen and amen!!! Love your heart, SisterBean!

(I was thinking the same thing about Aramex, their reputation is redeemed!)

At 10:13 PM , Blogger Fadi Ghandour said...

Redemption feels so good... but if you look at our history and our culture as an organization you will know that we have always done this, it is in our DNA. We did the same for Lebanon, for Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka, earthquake tragedies in Pakistan and constantly doing what we need to do in Palestine. Aramex is only thankful for including us in your efforts for the people of Gaza... our people thrive on being part of it!
As for our customer service, that needs to be fixed regardless of what we do for Gaza. forgive us we are not perfect! good luck to you
Fadi Ghandour

At 12:20 AM , Blogger abu 'n um tulip said...

We actually drove by that intersection around 8:30 pm and there were still swarms of people loading boxes. As I've been entertaining six of my closest family members the past two weeks I've been a little out of touch with the news. We were on our way out to the airport and as I saw the traffic, I wondered what in the world was going on. Then the thought crossed my mind it could be a relief drop-off for Gaza. There was just a gracious spirit in the air - no car horns honking, just people carrying boxes. I'm impressed by Jordanian bloggers and without words. Um Tulip

At 4:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the details - I was wondering how much was collected. 25 or 30 tons! Incredible! I was touched by your heartfelt prayer at the end of this post. Would you mind if I put a copy of it in the "Prayers for Justice and Peace" section of my blog?

At 7:08 AM , Blogger MommaBean said...

Sojourney, yes that number was awe-inspiring. Feel free to use my prayer on your blog. I'm glad that you found it touching.


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