Garage Sale Anyone? At least signage won't be a problem?

This is the on-going tale of a Mom and her adjustment to the changing times of her life. About two and a half years ago, the Bean family moved to Jordan from the US. This blog is about MommaBean's new experiences as a foreigner in a wonderful new land, transition from a working Mom to a stay at home one to an entrepreneur, and various other thoughts as they may occur.
So, recently El 3atal came across a fabulous video clip that merges two of his favorite things, political satirist Steve Colbert and evangelical minister Tony Campolo. For a little background, we actually attended a conference man years ago where Tony was the keynote speaker. He is amazing at delivering meaning mixed with enough humor to make the point very clearly and specifically without boring the listener. In this clip, Tony talk about what it's like to be a member of the Evangelical left. The what?! Frankly, Steve Colbert makes fun of everyone alike, but is fairly clearly a conservative. Among the zingers Tony delivers are the following:
Okay, so Kinzi gave me Jesus Camp to watch (far too late to join the commenting on her blog) and I found something so interesting in this documentary. I'm fairly certain that the New Testament isn't really big on pride. In fact, it's talked about this many, many times and framed in many different ways. When giving charity, the right hand should not know what the left hand is doing. If you talk it up and tell everyone to gain pats on the back, you have received your reward on earth, none will be waiting in heaven. And yet, in this film, a young girl is talking about how God isn't in churches where they sit quietly and sing. He's only in churches where people jump up and down and shout (her thoughts, not mine). How prideful is that? Your way of worship is the only one. Your style is the only one. The truly ironic thing about this is that the argument goes both ways. Mainline churches for many, many years failed to respond to the younger generation (and consequently lost membership) because they couldn't see"performing" at church you know with all that contemporary music and wild hopping and shouting.
For further illustrative purposes, here is the one with a letter on it (one of the troublesome letters, the p)...
Both of these are SMALL letter ps. Okay, is there ANYONE out there who doesn't think the one on the right makes more logical and obvious sense? Anyone? Anyone? THAT'S what I'm talking about, right there.
I think I may have to work on this from the other side. I'll try talking with the elementary school administrators and see if I can bring them into the fold of an obviously better system, teehee.
Happy paper obsessing!Talk about much ado about nothing... Given the fact that it was seeming decidedly less than snowy last night, I set my alarm as usual to get up and get the beans (and myself) ready for school. I looked out the window and saw no snow on the ground. And, so, I determined that we should go ahead and get ready, I mean who would cancel school with no reason. Ahhh, you'd think I'm not from Alabama. There they would cancel school due to the "threat of inclement weather." Yes, that's right if it seemed like it might get a flurry or two, they'd cancel school.
I'm not an issues blogger (I'd just get myself into trouble). I'm not a religious blogger (I'd really just get myself into trouble). If I had to categorize myself as a blogger, I'm a fluff blogger. I talk about the stuff that I find amusing, the stuff that I find annoying, and the people and things that bless my life. And here's why...
While doing our Christmas shopping this year, I was shocked by the lack of any Lego sets on the shelves at Wal-Mart. When I asked an employee, they took me to the smallest little section of the toy department and said that the last ones they had had were in this section (the building section). There was only one sad little box of Lincoln Logs. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Lincoln Logs and I bought them, but it wasn't what I was looking to purchase. I had promised Junior Bean that we would try to get him the super cool Pirate Lego set we saw advertised on TV. No such luck. As I got home, I mentioned to MemeBean the scarcity of Legos. She responded that she seemed to recall reading that they had either gone out of business or been bought out, so maybe that explained it.
So, reason #2 that I blog is the ability to make connections with other people. Since moving to Jordan, I have met the most awesome people through blogging. I've found other gals from Alabama (like the one who tagged me: see below) who help prove that no matter the religion, people are fundamentally the same. Good people are good people, anywhere in the world.
That's a before 18 list. Before 30 would look very different, but it is what it is. I guess I'll tag El 3atal, Kinzi, Hala, Salam, Dave, and Jad... I look forward to reading your lists and am so glad that we've made connections.
Happy connections!
So, this week was supposed to be a week to blog about why I blog, but life has gotten in the way. And, maybe that gives me my starting point for this conversation with myself. I blog to order my thoughts. My thoughts about life, about business, about society, about myself - all are fair game. Honestly, much of the conversation on my blog is with myself rather than my readers (all 2 of them :)). So what is all of this introspection good for?
As I found out from Kinzi's blog (where I get 70% of my blogosphere news, where DOES she find the time!), there is a week of support for Fouad Al-Farhan, the Saudi blogger who remains imprisoned without charges to date (since December 11, 2007). Although I have never met Fouad and can't read his blog, I am proud to support the "We Are All Fouads" week this week. So, I wanted to explore that theme just a bit below.
Labels: blogging, Fouad Al-Farhan, solidarity
or date anomalies... or... oh I don't know! I saw this in the paper and found it to be ultra confusing. I'd just like to go on record as saying this whole writing dates basckwards thing is for the birds...
Okay, I know some of you think I only have a sense of humor about the abuse of English that occurs in Jordan. To prove this isn't the case, while in the UAE, I couldn't help grabbing a picture of this.
It features prominently on this coffe machine at the very fancy hotel where we had our meetings (and we won't talk about the difference between the roach motel we stayed in and this one, teehee).
And, let's be honest with ourselves, they just made this word up. Maybe someone who only knows how to spell feet came up with it. Since heat is ea not ee. So, even if they were going to do it wrong (heat water), they shouldn't have come up with this :).
Happy Heet!Neither would I. And, yet, apparently that's what many people living in the self-styled Apartment Hotel in Abu Dhabi are doing. El 3atal and I were there on business and they had no internet access! When OfficeMate bean asked about the business center mentioned in their literature, they pointed her to the internet cafe ACROSS THE STREET. And, not just a small street but a six lane divided monstrosity.
Adding insult to injury, the remote control for th TV didn't work. So, after two night of trying to change it and one night changing the TV altogether, we finally got them to just change the silly batteries and it worked just fine - for our last night.
So, anyway, if you have the chance to visit Abu Dhabi's City Seasons hotel, pass. Do not fall victim to this yucky place.
Happy Withdrawal!
I came across an interesting article about the fact that people with blue eyes all come from the same common ancestor. In the article below, they talk about a research study that has been done with people in Denmark, Turkey, and JORDAN. How interesting. They looked at mitochondrial DNA of blue-eyed people in the three countries and found that all of them were from the same mutation between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. So, I guess maybe people aren't as foolish as they sound when they say that El 3atal and I look like siblings!